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Minimize Alternatively

Available in: Actual Window Manager, Actual Window Minimizer, Actual Title Buttons, Actual Window Menu.

The Minimize Alternatively (AltMin™) action allows you minimizing your windows not only to the taskbar but also to the:

  • system tray - the specified window becomes a small icon in the Windows® system tray (or simply tray).


    If you then click this system tray icon, the default action is to restore the normal window and remove the icon from the tray. This default behavior can be modified with the Minimizing property sheet.
  • screen - the specified window is turned into a small icon, which is placed on the screen.


    You can drag this icon anywhere on the screen. If you then double-click this icon, the default action is to restore the normal window and remove the icon from the desktop/screen. This default behavior can be modified with the Minimizing property sheet.

Hint  The AltMin action is especially useful for "background" applications (i.e., those which are able to run without user intervention), at-hand tools (like Calculators and Calendars), or, in general, any window that you have no need to view all the time while it is working. Minimizing these windows to the system tray or on the screen and bringing them back up when you really need them is a convenient way of providing quick access to them without having to load the program again, while leaving your taskbar and desktop free for more prominent window activity.

Related actions: Minimize, Roll Up, Send to Bottom, Change Run Mode.

Possible triggers: Title Buttons, Window Menu, Minimization.

 Copyright © 2002-2007 Actual Tools. All rights reserved.
 Last modified: June 20, 2007.